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How to Write the Perfect Movie

Pretty bold statement there! Is there even such a thing as a 'perfect' movie? Well, it's debatable... Films and art are subjective so how could there be a formula for a perfect movie?

Screenwriting falls somewhere between a science and an art. Even the classics have their faults. So perhaps 'perfect' is the wrong emphasis. Instead, screenwriters should focus on the proven set of rules that make a screenplay rewarding for the audience to watch from beginning, middle to end.

Writing a movie is a complex process that requires creativity, imagination and the ability to craft a compelling story. Whether you are a seasoned screenwriter or just starting out, the following tips will help you write (quote on quote) the 'perfect' movie.

Develop a Unique Concept: The first step in writing a movie is to develop a unique concept. Think about what you want to say, what message you want to convey, and what story you want to tell. Your concept should be original, interesting, and have the potential to captivate an audience. Think of how your story would read as a newspaper headline. Would it engage readers? Would they want to know more? Why? What are the universal themes?

Create Complex Characters: Characters are the heart and soul of a movie, and well-written characters can make a good movie great. Develop your characters by giving them backstories, motivations, and unique personality traits. Make sure that each character is unique, relatable, and has a clear purpose in the story. Make sure you know what your character would do in all situations. Otherwise you'll prioritise 'cool' dialogue or situations that betray your characters and they won't feel consistent.

Write a Compelling Plot:

The plot of your movie should be intriguing, captivating, and filled with twists and turns. Make sure that the story is well-structured and builds to a climax that will keep the audience engaged. The story is the whole picture, the plot is what moves us forward. Everywhere you take your characters needs to make sense to their journey and ultimately the pay off.

Use Dialogue to Advance the Plot: Dialogue is an important tool for advancing the plot and developing characters. Make sure that each line of dialogue serves a purpose and adds something to the story. Also listen to how real people speak - use subtext more than exposition. Stilted dialogue is a sure way to put readers and audiences off your film.

Show, Don’t Tell:

Instead of simply telling the audience what is happening, show them. Use visual storytelling techniques, such as montages and flashbacks, to bring the story to life. Pay Attention to Detail: Small details can make a big difference in a movie. Pay attention to the world you have created, and make sure that everything is consistent and makes sense.

Revise, Revise, Revise:

Writing a movie is a process, and it is important to revise and refine your script until it is the best it can be. Get feedback from others and be open to making changes based on their suggestions. Writing is Rewriting. Brilliant scripts are made in the rewrites and subsequent drafts. But don't just guess. Base your changes on your script reports to ensure your script is working.

In short, writing a screenplay is no small feat. Writing the perfect movie might not be possible but writing a brilliant movie absolutely is. It requires creativity, imagination, and a passion for storytelling. It involves respecting the format and honouring the art of screenwriting. With these tips, you will be well on your way to writing a movie that captivates an audience and leaves a lasting impression. So get to work.

We hope that was helpful. If you want more insight into what it takes to be a screenwriter, you might like 7 Tips For Becoming a Screenwriter

If you've already written your script and are looking for advice on how to produce it then here's the article for you Produce Your Script

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